We are pleased to announce the release of Kwant 1.4, the result of a year and a half of development. Highlights of the new release: * Adding magnetic field to systems, even in complicated cases, is now specially supported. * The KPM module can now calculate conductivities. * The `Qsymm library <https://gitlab.kwant-project.org/qt/qsymm>`_ for Hamiltonian symmetry analysis has been integrated. * The handling of system parameters has been improved and optimized. * Plotting has been improved, most notably through the addition of a routine that plots densities with interpolation. * Installing Kwant on Windows is now much easier thanks to Conda packages. All these and other improvements that are detailed in the "what's new in Kwant 1.4" document [1]. The new version is practically 100% backwards-compatible with scripts written for previous versions of Kwant 1.x. The following people contributed code to this release: * Anton Akhmerov * Paul Clisson * Christoph Groth * Thomas Kloss * Bas Nijholt * Pablo Pérez Piskunow * Tómas Örn Rosdahl * Rafał Skolasiński * Dániel Varjas * Joseph Weston We would like to hear your feedback at kwant-discuss@kwant-project.org. [1] https://kwant-project.org/doc/1.4/pre/whatsnew/1.4
participants (1)
Christoph Groth