Kwant 1.1 has been released

Hello, We are happy to announce the release of Kwant 1.1. The user-visible changes are: • Harmonize Bands with modes • New option add_cells of attach_lead • New method conductance_matrix • Deduction of transmission probabilities • Clearer error messages • New option pos_transform of map See [1] for details. There is nothing spectacular here, but particularly the improved error messages should make work with Kwant more pleasant. There was also substantial work “under the hood” that will allow us to release new versions with much less effort in the future. Full backward compatibility is the aim for all Kwant releases that share the same major version. Thus, all Kwant 1.0 scripts should continue to work with Kwant 1.1. Kwant 1.1 packages are available right now for Debian, Ubuntu, and Windows. They should be available soon for Mac OS & Arch Linux. Please let us know if you experience any problems. The plan is that 1.1 will be the last Kwant release for Python 2 and we switch development to Python 3. There should be soon a Kwant 1.2 that will be identical to 1.1 except that it will use Python 3. (Do not worry if you have to keep using Python 2: we plan to maintain Kwant 1.1 for several years.) Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release! Happy kwanting, Christoph on behalf of the Kwant team [1]
participants (1)
Christoph Groth