Kwant-based tutorial: try it directly in your web browser

Dear users of Kwant, At this year’s APS March meeting the core Kwant team held an “Introduction to Computational Quantum Nanoelectronics” tutorial [1]. The bulk of the course consisted of hand-on work with Kwant-powered Jupyter notebooks that contain explanations, examples and exercises. The tutorial was attended by over 70 people and we received highly positive feedback for it. The complete set of the tutorial notebooks is now available online [2]. There is also a link that allows to execute the notebooks directly in a web browser without installing Kwant locally. Please feel free to check it out and do not hesitate to spread the word to anyone who might be interested, especially to people who are not using Kwant yet. Regards, Christoph on behalf of the whole tutorial team [1] [2]
participants (1)
Christoph Groth