06 Mar '22

06 Mar '22
How to caculate hall resistance
by ZHANG Bing 12 Sep '21

12 Sep '21
by Prof. CHAN Kwok Sum 20 Sep '17

20 Sep '17
forking smatrix.transmission
by Sergey Slizovskiy 31 Mar '17

31 Mar '17
Query for Kwant Software
by Biswadeep Upadhyay 30 Mar '17

30 Mar '17

29 Mar '17
Using args in hamiltonian-function
by Camilla Espedal 27 Mar '17

27 Mar '17
function for current density calculation
by Prof. CHAN Kwok Sum 26 Mar '17

26 Mar '17
transmission though a barrier of zero height
by Вячеслав Семененко 23 Mar '17

23 Mar '17
periodic boundary conditions on the lead
by Sergey Slizovskiy 21 Mar '17

21 Mar '17
lead periodic boundary conditions
by Sergey Slizovskiy 20 Mar '17

20 Mar '17
How to reduce memory requirement
by Li Mingkai 16 Mar '17

16 Mar '17
update Kwant to newer versions.
by Prof. CHAN Kwok Sum 16 Mar '17

16 Mar '17
updation to Kwant 1.3
by kamal ghosh 15 Mar '17

15 Mar '17
Graphene band structure with more than 3 nearest-neighbors
by Juan Manuel Marmolejo-Tejada 14 Mar '17

14 Mar '17
problem with the wave_function calculation
by Luan Vieira de Castro 13 Mar '17

13 Mar '17

10 Mar '17
(no subject)
by enrique colomes 09 Mar '17

09 Mar '17
Kwant 1.3
by Ali Asgharpour 06 Mar '17

06 Mar '17
Wavefunction inside scattering region + spin
by Sverre Gulbrandsen 05 Mar '17

05 Mar '17

02 Mar '17
Starting reference and multilayer system
by Mohammed Ghadiyali 01 Mar '17

01 Mar '17