You'll probably get more help asking on a more specific forum (e.g stackOverflow[1]); none of the core developers habitually use Windows (although it's not impossible that someone else replies!). The jupyter website recommends[2] that you use the Anaconda python distrubution[3]. Anaconda gives you a nice unified approach to installing new Python packages (and a good number come pre-installed with the distribution). I would probably recommend this.
I fear anaconda won't work for you since Gohlke's packages are likely to not be compatible with it. My guess is that you'd need to also install jupyter and all of its dependencies from Gohlke's site in the same manner as you'd install Kwant. Best, Anton
[1]: https://stackoverflow.com [2]: https://jupyter.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install.html [3]: https://www.continuum.io/downloads