Dear Anton, I know that I can do this with a finite system doing exact diagonalization, but I was wondering why it is not possible to use the same mode matching procedure as in the normal case but with evanescent waves in the superconducting leads. Anil On 25/01/2016 13:38, Anton Akhmerov wrote:
Hi Anil,
Indeed, the wave_function method computes scattering wave functions, and since superconductors have no scattering modes inside the gap, there are also no scattering wave functions. I am assuming you want to find Andreev bound states. The most straightforward strategy for that is to have a finite size piece of the superconductor as a part of your system (as opposed to having an infinite superconducting lead), and to search for eigenstates in the closed system, similar to this Kwant tutorial: http://kwant-project.org/doc/1/tutorial/tutorial3#closed-systems
Best, Anton
On Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 12:34 PM, anil <anil.murani@u-psud.fr> wrote:
I am trying to how understand how to compute the wavefunctions of a system with superconducting leads as a function of the phase difference, just as in the case of normal leads, using fsys.wave_function() where I would do it as a function of the energy. However, the result is always an empty array. Is there a way to make it work ?
Thanks in advance,