Dear Anton,

Thanks for your response. I will do that.


2017-11-28 11:01 GMT-02:00 Anton Akhmerov <>:
Dear Antonio,

KPM by itself doesn't allow to adjust the resolution locally. If you
need detailed information about a small part of the spectrum, sparse
diagonalization is a more appropriate tool.


On Tue, Nov 28, 2017 at 1:58 PM, Antonio Lucas Rigotti Manesco
<> wrote:
> Dear Kwant users,
> I am trying to obtain the local density of states of a topological (finite)
> system by using KPM approximation. My problem is that the gap is too small
> (as I am considering realistic parameters) and this results in more states
> than the topologically protected ones appearing for zero energy LDoS. If I
> control the energy resolution the memory consumption increases too much.
> So my question is if there is any parameter I can control to have a better
> energy resolution only near zero energy or maybe somewhere I can compensate
> the memory consumption (for example, losing resolution at the local
> distribution in order to obtain better energy resolution).
> Thanks in advance.
> --
> Antônio Lucas Rigotti Manesco
> PhD fellow - University of São Paulo, Brazil

Antônio Lucas Rigotti Manesco
PhD fellow - University of São Paulo, Brazil