Dear Joe   
    "add_site_family" did work in graphene zigzag nanoribbon.When I use "add_site_family",the central scattering region would not enlarge after connected with leads in zigzag nanoribbon.But when I use it in graphene armchair nanoribbon,the central scattering region will enlarge. If you have spare time,you can run my code,and you can see the picture that the central scattering is enlarge a little in up and downd leads,left and right lead is right.
      Thank you
       Bill Yang
This is my code 
from math import pi, sqrt, tanh

import kwant

# For computing eigenvalues
import scipy.sparse.linalg as sla

# For plotting
from matplotlib import pyplot

LeftLength=0.5 #width of scattering region

DownWidth=2*4+1#length of scattering region 
UnitCell=int((DownWidth-1)/2)+1 #unit cell

# Define the graphene lattice
sin_30, cos_30 = (1 / 2, sqrt(3) / 2)
graphene = kwant.lattice.general([(1, 0), (sin_30, cos_30)],
                                 [(0, 0), (0, 1 / sqrt(3))])

#graphene2 = graphene = kwant.lattice.general([(sqrt(3)/2, 1/2), (0, 1)],
                                 #[(0, 0), (1 / (2*sqrt(3)),1/2)])

def make_system(LeftLength,RightLength,UpWidth,DownWidth):
    #### Define the scattering region. ####
    # circular scattering region
    def circle(pos):
        x, y = pos
        return (-LeftLength <= x <= RightLength and (-(sqrt(3)/2*DownWidth+1/2/sqrt(3))<=y<=sqrt(3)/2*UpWidth))

    syst = kwant.Builder()

    # w: width and pot: potential maximum of the p-n junction
    def potential(pos):
    #def potential(pos):
        (x, y) = pos
        return 0

    syst[graphene.shape(circle, (0, 0))] = potential

    # specify the hoppings of the graphene lattice in the
    # format expected by builder.HoppingKind
    hoppings = (((0, 0), a, b), ((0, 1), a, b), ((-1, 1), a, b))
    syst[[kwant.builder.HoppingKind(*hopping) for hopping in hoppings]] = -1
    # Lead left and right
    sym0 = kwant.TranslationalSymmetry(graphene.vec((-1, 0)))
    sym0.add_site_family(graphene.sublattices[0], other_vectors=[(1, -2)])
    sym0.add_site_family(graphene.sublattices[1], other_vectors=[(1, -2)])
    def lead0_shape(pos):
        x, y = pos
        return (-(sqrt(3)/2*DownWidth+1/2/sqrt(3))<=y<=sqrt(3)/2*UpWidth)
    lead0= kwant.Builder(sym0)
    lead0[graphene.shape(lead0_shape, (0, 0))] = 0
    lead0[[kwant.builder.HoppingKind(*hopping) for hopping in hoppings]] = -1
#Lead up and down
    sym1 = kwant.TranslationalSymmetry(graphene.vec((-1, 2)))
    #sym1.add_site_family(graphene.sublattices[0], other_vectors=[(1,1)])
    #sym1.add_site_family(graphene.sublattices[1], other_vectors=[(1,1)])
    def lead1_shape(pos):
        x, y = pos
        return (-1<x<6)
    lead1= kwant.Builder(sym1)
    lead1[graphene.shape(lead1_shape, (0, 0))] = 0
    lead1[[kwant.builder.HoppingKind(*hopping) for hopping in hoppings]] = -1

    return syst, [lead0,lead0.reversed(),lead1,lead1.reversed()]

def compute_evs(syst):
    # Compute some eigenvalues of the closed system
    sparse_mat = syst.hamiltonian_submatrix(sparse=True)

    evs = sla.eigs(sparse_mat, 2)[0]

def plot_conductance(syst, energies):
    # Compute transmission as a function of energy
    data = []
    for energy in energies:
        smatrix = kwant.smatrix(syst, energy)
        data.append(smatrix.transmission(0, 1))

    pyplot.plot(energies, data)
    pyplot.xlabel("energy [t]")
    pyplot.ylabel("conductance [e^2/h]")

def plot_bandstructure(flead, momenta):
    bands = kwant.physics.Bands(flead)
    energies = [bands(k) for k in momenta]

    pyplot.plot(momenta, energies)
    pyplot.xlabel("momentum [(lattice constant)^-1]")
    pyplot.ylabel("energy [t]")

def main():
    pot = 0
    syst, leads = make_system(LeftLength,RightLength,UpWidth,DownWidth)

    # To highlight the two sublattices of graphene, we plot one with
    # a filled, and the other one with an open circle:
    def family_colors(site):
        return 0 if == a else 1

    # Plot the closed system without leads.
    #kwant.plot(syst, site_color=family_colors, site_lw=0.1, colorbar=False)

    # Attach the leads to the system.
    for lead in leads:

    # Then, plot the system with leads.
    kwant.plot(syst, site_color=family_colors, site_lw=0.1,
               lead_site_lw=0, colorbar=False)

    # Finalize the system.
    syst = syst.finalized()

    # Plot conductance.
    '''energies = []
    for ie in range(1,400):
      energy = ie * 0.01
    plot_conductance(syst, energies)'''

# Call the main function if the script gets executed (as opposed to imported).
# See <>.
if __name__ == '__main__':