So, for example, I can print the on-site energies or the hopping integrals of the sites I want using: ----- print(kwant_sys[lattice.sublattices[4](0,0,-1)) and print(kwant_sys[lattice.sublattices[4](0,0,-1), lattice.sublattices[6](0,0,-1)]) ----- respectively. I can get the tags and families of the sites as such: -----
for x in kwant_sys.sites(): ... print(x.tag, ',', ... [0 0 -1] , <Monatomic lattice 0> [0 0 -1] , <Monatomic lattice 1> ....
However, I am still unsure about the 'where' argument -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
J = kwant.operator.Current(kwant_sys, where=kwant_sys[lattice.sublattices[4](0,0,-1), lattice.sublattices[6](0,0,-1)]) Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> File "kwant/operator.pyx", line 883, in kwant.operator.Current.__init__ File "kwant/operator.pyx", line 217, in kwant.operator._normalize_hopping_where File "kwant/operator.pyx", line 218, in genexpr ValueError: need more than 1 value to unpack J = kwant.operator.Current(kwant_sys, where=(lattice.sublattices[4](0,0,-1), lattice.sublattices[6](0,0,-1))) Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> File "kwant/operator.pyx", line 883, in kwant.operator.Current.__init__ File "kwant/operator.pyx", line 223, in genexpr File "kwant/operator.pyx", line 223, in genexpr AttributeError: 'Builder' object has no attribute 'graph'
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eleni ----- Forwarded message from ----- Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2018 17:19:18 +0300 From: Subject: Re: [Kwant] Visualize current through a 2D cut for a 3D system To: Hello Anton, Thank you very much for your reply. I am having a hard time with the "where" argument in kwant.operator.Current. My system is not finalized. How can I find the sites associated with the hopping? By their tag? Their position? Do you have a piece of code for that? Note that I am using TBModels and Wannier90 and the lattice has one sublattice for each WF (or site, or orbital). norb is not defined, but I see that for x in lattice.sublattices: x.norbs=1 works and looks correct. Regards, Eleni Quoting Anton Akhmerov <>:
Dear Eleni,
I think this should be doable with not too much of low level work. * Firstly you probably will want to select only the hoppings that are close to the 2D cut. You can do this by using "where" parameter to Current operator (see * After computing the current across those hoppings, you would need to call kwant.plotter.interpolate_current. This function only does the interpolation, but no plotting. Having that interpolation in 3D you need to slice it and probably take a projection onto 2D plane. * Finally, the resulting 2D array you can feed to kwant.plotter.streamplot
kwant.plotter.current is essentially a straightforward combination of kwant.plotter.interpolate_current and kwant.plotter.streamplot
Also: your problem sounds like a useful thing to do. Please let me know if you succeed, and what you ended up doing (or if you face any further problems as well).
Best, Anton
On Fri, Mar 23, 2018 at 5:22 PM, <> wrote:
Hello everyone,
Is there currently way to visualize the current through a 2D cut for a 3D system that does not involve messing with the kwant code?
I have a 3D system and would like to see the differences in the current when I switch some specific hoppings on and off.
-- Dr. Eleni Chatzikyriakou Computational Physics lab Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - tel:+30 2310 998109
-- Dr. Eleni Chatzikyriakou Computational Physics lab Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - tel:+30 2310 998109 ----- End forwarded message ----- -- Dr. Eleni Chatzikyriakou Computational Physics lab Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - tel:+30 2310 998109