Dear all,

I have a custom lattice that I generate outside of Kwant and I want specific sites to belong to specific sublattices.

As a minimal reproducible example suppose I have a square lattice (evidently, this is a crystalline lattice and there are simple ways to do this in Kwant, but take this lattice just as the simplest example):

lattice = np.array([[x,y] for x in range(20) for y in range(20)])

And I set the system:

def system(basis,size):
    syst = kwant.Builder()
    lat = kwant.lattice.general([(0,size),(size,0)],basis = basis,norbs=1)

    #then the onsite and hoppings etc

    return syst.finalized()

I know that lat is automatically split into 400 sublattices (one for each lattice site) but what I want is, for example, to make every other site be of sublattice family "b" and the rest of "a" and things along those lines. 

Is there a simple way to implement this? I imagine that implementing a separate class can do the trick, but it seems more complicated than it should be. Also, I reckon I could instantiate each sublattice as a different lattice.general and go from there, but again, it doesn't feel like the proper way to implement it.

In short, I want to make a lattice.general lattice from a custom basis of N-atoms and I want to specify which sites belong to which sublattices.

Thanks in advance.