Hi Fahriye,
Hello Anton,I checked my code, I think the problem is still about the modes of the leads.I can modify the phase of the modes in the leads. When I call the modes (using lead.info), I obtain modified wave functions but the scattering matrix is the same. I guess,the scattering matrix is still calculated with original wave functions.I posted my code below.Thank youNurimport sys as systemCommandsimport kwantimport numpy as npclass WavefunctionLead(kwant.builder.InfiniteSystem):def __init__(self, lead):self.__dict__ = lead.__dict__def modes(self, energy, args=()):prop_modes_fix, stab_modes_fix = \super(WavefunctionLead, self).modes(energy=0.4, args=args)size_fix = prop_modes_fix.wave_functions.shape[1]fix = []for i in range(size_fix):fix0 = prop_modes_fix.wave_functions[0][i]fix.append(fix0)prop_modes, stab_modes = \super(WavefunctionLead, self).modes(energy=energy, args=args)wf_size = prop_modes.wave_functions.shape[0] #number of orbitalnum_modes = prop_modes.wave_functions.shape[1]#number of modes (2*num_modes)## change of the phasefor i in range(wf_size):for j in range(num_modes):f = fix[j]prop_modes.wave_functions[i,j]=prop_modes.wave_functions[i,j]*(prop_modes.wave_functions[i,j]/f)if prop_modes.wave_functions[i,j].real >= 0 :prop_modes.wave_functions[i,j] = -1 * prop_modes.wave_functions[i,j]else :continuereturn prop_modes, stab_modesdef make_system(a, t, L, f, r, rcc, kso, w):lat = kwant.lattice.square(a)sys = kwant.Builder()def myShape(pos):(x, y) = posif (L/2-f<= y < L/2+f) and (0<=x <2):return Trueelif (L/2-f<= y < L/2+f) and (L-1<= x< L+1):return Trueelif ( 2 <= x < L-1 ) and ( 0 <= y < L-1) and rcc ** 2 <(x ** 2 + y ** 2) and (3*r ** 2 < ((x-(L/2)) ** 2 + (y-(L/2)) ** 2)):return Truedef onsite(site1, tm):## Electric field in x directionx1 =site1.pos[0]y1 = site1.pos[1]return 4*t + np.sin(w*tm)*w*x1*ksosys[lat.shape(myShape, (0, L/2))] = onsitesys[kwant.builder.HoppingKind((1, 0), lat, lat)] = -tsys[kwant.builder.HoppingKind((0, 1), lat, lat)] = -t##leads##lead0 = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((-a, 0)))def lead_shape_0(pos):(x, y) = posreturn ( L/2-f <= y < L/2+f)lead0[lat.shape(lead_shape_0, (0, L/2))] = 4*tlead0[kwant.builder.HoppingKind((1, 0), lat, lat)] = -tlead0[kwant.builder.HoppingKind((0, 1), lat, lat)] = -tlead1 = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((a, 0)))def lead_shape_1(pos):(x, y) = posreturn ( L/2-f <= y < L/2+f)lead1[lat.shape(lead_shape_1, (0, L/2))] = 4*tlead1[kwant.builder.HoppingKind((1, 0), lat, lat)] = -tlead1[kwant.builder.HoppingKind((0, 1), lat, lat)] = -tsys.attach_lead(lead0)sys.attach_lead(lead1)fsys = sys.finalized()###fsys.leads = [WavefunctionLead(lead) for lead in fsys.leads]###return fsysdef main():## w = frequency## kso = Rashba spin orbit couplingsys = make_system(a=1, t=1, L=50, f=2, r=6, rcc=5, kso = 0.3/50, w = 0.001)energies=[0.00001 * i+0.40 for i in xrange(300)]tm =1000 #time parameterfor energy in energies:S = kwant.smatrix(sys, energy, args=[tm])mode = S.lead_infowf =mode[0].wave_functionsprint wfif __name__ == '__main__':main()On 24 January 2016 at 22:52, Anton Akhmerov <anton.akhmerov+kd@gmail.com> wrote:Hi Nur,
I don't think you need to do anything inside the scattering region to
modify the phase of the scattering matrix. Are you sure this is the
On Sun, Jan 24, 2016 at 6:04 PM, Fahriye Nur Gursoy
<fahriyetortop@sabanciuniv.edu> wrote:
> Hello all,
> My question is about modifying the phase of wave functions. I want to
> calculate derivative of scattering matrix with respect to energy and they
> come out to be discontinuous because of the phases.
> To remedy this I need to modify these phases. Following the suggestion of
> Anton Akhmerov in this mail group I understood how to modify the phase of
> modes in the leads.
> But I also need to change the phase of wave functions in the scattering
> region to obtain continuous scattering matrices at different energies.
> I wonder if there is an another way to call wave functions in the scattering
> region (apart from kwant.solvers.default.wave_function) or a method to
> modify these phases.
> Thank you in advance.
> Nur