Hi Alexandre, Wouldn't it be easier to generate PDF / SVG figure of your system and embed it in your tex document manually? I believe this is the usual way everyone is doing it. Best, Rafal -- Rafał Skolasiński Software Engineer GitHub: https://github.com/RafalSkolasinski Kwant GitLab: https://gitlab.kwant-project.org/r-j-skolasinski On Sun, 20 Oct 2019 at 16:59, <aheuchamps@student.uliege.be> wrote:
I previously asked how to get the corresponding .tex file of the system I want to study. For example, using the tikzplolib package, I can write the following code:
figLattice = kwant.plot( sys ) tikzplotlib.save( nameGeometry+'.tex' )
However, the corresponding .tex file is empty (see the attached file). How can I solve that problem ?
Thank you and have a good day, Alexandre