When you are connecting the edges you have to use proper lattice index. Here is a working example for armchair (V1.0.1).

from math import sqrt
import kwant
from matplotlib import pyplot

# Define the graphene lattice
sin_30, cos_30 = (1 / 2., sqrt(3) / 2.)

graphene = kwant.lattice.general([(0, 1), (cos_30, sin_30)],
                                 [(0, 0), (1 / sqrt(3), 0)])
a, b = graphene.sublattices
hoppings = (((0, 0), a, b), ((0, 1), a, b), ((-1, 1), a, b))

def aclead(w, onsite=0,t=-1):
    sym = kwant.TranslationalSymmetry(graphene.vec((-1,2)))
    def lead0_shape(pos):
        x, y = pos
        return 0<=y<w+0.6
    lead = kwant.Builder(sym)
    lead[graphene.shape(lead0_shape, (0, 0))] = onsite
    lead[[kwant.builder.HoppingKind(*hopping) for hopping in hoppings]] = t
    lead[b(0, 0), a(w, 1)] = t
    return lead

def acsys(w, onsite=0,t=-1):
    def box(pos):
        x , y = pos
        return -0.1<=x<1.2 and 0<=y<w+0.6
    sys[graphene.shape(box, (0, 0))] = onsite
    sys[[kwant.builder.HoppingKind(*hopping) for hopping in hoppings]] = t
    sys[b(0, 0), a(w, 1)] = t
    return sys

for w in range(4,7):
    sys = acsys(w)
    lead = aclead(w).finalized()

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