On 06/11/14 08:45, ANANT wrote:
Hello everyone. I am applying the spin orbit coupling to the honeycomb lattice but there are three different kind of hopping and I am writing this
sys[lat.shape(shape, (2.46, 0))] =onsite sys[kwant.builder.HoppingKind((0, 0), A,B )]= -t * s_0 - 1j * alpha * s_y
sys[kwant.builder.HoppingKind((0,1), A,B )] = -t * s_0 + 1j * alpha * s_x
sys[kwant.builder.HoppingKind((-1,1), A,B )] = -t * s_0 + 1j * alpha * s_x
But this is not right .What should I write in place of this.? please help me thank yo u in advance
Hello, Can you be a bit more specific about what it is that you are doing: - what model are you are using for spin orbit? - what is the expected output? - what is the actual output? It is always useful to be as specific as possible, especially through the medium of email. Thanks, Joe