Dear Kwant community, I am a physics student and I am approaching to Kwant to solve simple problems of scattering. I am new in Kwant and, for this reason, I'm trying to use Kwnat for basic problems of scattering. The most simple problem in my mind is the scattering of a plane-wave (1 dimension) from the left of a potential barrier. If we now suppose the potential barrier is 'zero' everywhere, the scattering matrix, according to the scattering theory, should be 'S={{0,1},{1,0}}'. If I try to compute the reflection and transmission coefficient, I obtained the correct values (1 for reflection and 0 for transmission). But it occurs only for some energies. For example in the code I attached, if I put the value of '10' in 'S=kwant.solvers.default.smatrix(syst,10)' I obtaine for reflection and transmission the value of '0'. Where is my errors? And, is there a way to print the entire elements of the scattering matrix ? Yours sincerely Lorenzo Bagnasacco