Hi, You can just explicitly specify the Kwant version that you want: pip install kwant==1.1
I am a new user of kwant and I have some troubles in installing kwant on the Enthought Canopy environment. I have always used this environment for my numerical work with Python and it is annoying to change it. The downside is that it only supports Python 2.7 and not the latest Python 3.x. This is the source of problems.
It seems that Canopy 2 (with Python 3) will be released early next month [1]. I would recommend updating to Canopy 2, as all Kwant development is now exclusively for Python 3. Most scripts can be trivially converted to Python 3 by using the '2to3' tool [2]. Happy Kwanting, Joe [1]: https://support.enthought.com/hc/en-us/articles/204469570-Canopy-shows-no-up... [2]: https://docs.python.org/2/library/2to3.html