Hello again,
Thanks for the ideas. I have fiddled around with Kwant a bit now, and I'm trying to recreate quantum tunneling through rectangular potential barrier (see [1] for analytical solution). I have also added a figure of the analytical solution (rect_trans.png), which shows the transmission probability dependence on electron energy.
I modified the 1st tutorial code to include the rectangular barrier (see my code in [2]). I have attached the figures i got from the code (conductance.png and rect_trans.png). If i have understood correctly, then Kwant outputs the conductance depending on excitation energy. And the conductance is the sum of the transmission probabilities of the conduction channels, right?
I probably should delve deep into books on quantum transport to understand some of these things, but perhaps you could give me some answers for a good start. I have also calculated the number of conduction channels, but this goes to 0 at higher energies. Why does this occur? In the simple analytical case, there is no upper bound on electron energies.
Is it even possible to recreate the analytical quantum tunneling result for the rectangle barrier in Kwant?
Best regards,