Hi Zhanzhi, It seems like you don't have Python installed. You have to first install Python on your machine in order to use Kwant. Happy Kwanting, Joe On 12/29/18 5:47 PM, Zhanzhi wrote:
I am trying to install Kwant on a Win 10 PC. I followed the steps https://kwant-project.org/install but cannot finish the final step successfully. The command window says “no module named pip” after I execute python -c "import pip, glob; pip.main(['install', '--no-deps'] + glob.glob('*.whl'))"
and “python3 is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file”
after I execute
python3 -c "import pip, glob; pip.main(['install', '--no-deps'] + glob.glob('*.whl'))"
What is the possible problem?
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