TKwant Installation procedure

Hello, I installed Tkwant package by conda command on Linux: conda create -n env-tkwant python=3.7 conda activate env-tkwant conda install tkwant -c conda-forge The installation was success. But, when i tried to use the function tkwant.manybody.GreenFunction an error has occurred: green = tkwant.manybody.GreenFunction(syst, max(times), occupations) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last) /tmp/ipykernel_43617/ in <module> ----> 1 green = tkwant.manybody.GreenFunction(syst, max(times), occupations) AttributeError: module 'tkwant.manybody' has no attribute 'GreenFunction' What is happening? What did i wrong? Can someone help me? Thanks.

Dear Gabriel, the GreenFunction functionality has not yet been released as part of a stable Tkwant version, so its not possible yet to install it via conda. To make above code working you will need to clone the development version (master branch) of Tkwant and follow the installation from source steps from the documentation. Regards, Thomas

Thank you Thomas. I am beginner in python, i will try that step from source. Best, Gabriel
participants (2)
Gabriel Garcia