Hi, I am trying to calculate conductance for a simple 2D nanowire with length L and width W by using the following formula: G=(2e^2/h)*Integrate[T(E)M(E)(-df/dE),dE] My questions are these: 1- Does KWANT include the number of modes, M(E), inside the transmission function or not. In other words does “smatrix.transmission(1,0)” contains only T(E) or M(E)*T(E) ? 2- If it does not include it, should I calculate the number of modes from the band structure of the leads? If it includes the number of modes, does it uses Heaviside(E-e1) or W*sqrt(2m(E-e1))/(pi*hbar)? It may be a very simple question, I tried to understand it from tutorial but it doesn’t mention “the number of modes” concept at all in the calculation of conductances. I’d appreciate any clarification. Best, Ran �

Hi Ran,
1- Does KWANT include the number of modes, M(E), inside the transmission function or not. In other words does “smatrix.transmission(1,0)” contains only T(E) or M(E)*T(E) ?
smatrix.transmission is indeed the sum of all the transmission coefficients, so it is correctly proportional to the number of modes. The conductance is equal to smatrix.transmission times the conductance quantum. Best, Anton
participants (2)
Anton Akhmerov