Dear all, I am trying to calculate the electrical conductivity in a cubic system in different temperatures, where chemical potential is set to zero (see below). I am using some of the tips given in the mailing list, I have a couple of questions though. 1- When I solve V=RI to get the voltages, the voltage values are very large. Does it make sense or am I making a mistake somewhere? 2- In order to calculate the conductance, I need to integrate over an energy interval. should I integrate over the entire energy spectrum of the system? The code is very slow, how do I choose the energy interval and the step (least requirements) to ensure something physically meaningful yet speed up the code, any idea? Bests Chung -------------------------------------------------------- import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot from scipy.spatial import * from matplotlib import rcParams from numpy import * from numpy.linalg import * import pickle import sys import os import string import heapq import kwant import time import itertools as IT from scipy.spatial import cKDTree start = time.time() sigma_x = array([[0, 1], [1, 0]]) sigma_y = array([[0, -1j], [1j, 0]]) sigma_0 = array([[1, 0], [0, 1]]) sigma_z = array([[1, 0], [0, -1]]) a=1.0 t=1.0 L = 4 cutoff_dist = 8 theta=0.24434609527920614 lam=1.0E-3 v0=0.1 hbns= 6.582119514E-16*9.0E22 alpha = 4. mu = 0. e0 = 0.6 nu=3.0E11 K=8.6173303E-5 nuoft = 1 #tmp = 40. se = zeros((int(L**3.), nuoft), float) mo = zeros((int(L**3.), nuoft), float) for ii in range(nuoft): se[:,ii] = linspace(-e0, e0, int(L**3.)) random.shuffle(se[:,ii]) mo[:,ii] = random.uniform(0., theta, int(L**3.)) TL=arange(20, 322, 20) pltl = TL**(-0.25) sigma_xx=[] sigma_xy=[] tosim = 3.8740458655E-5 fintemp=True if fintemp: def dF(energy, Ef, beta): return 0.25*beta/(cosh(0.5*beta*(energy-Ef))**2) def get_trans(beta, lin, lout, Ef=0.): energies=linspace(-e0, e0, 10) #energies=[i/(15*beta) for i in range (-150,150)] trans=[] for energy in energies: smatrix = kwant.smatrix(sys, energy) T=smatrix.transmission(lin, lout) trans.append(T) return trans,energies def Use_temp(beta, lin, lout, Ef=0.): trans,energies=get_trans(beta, lin, lout, Ef=0.) spd=abs(energies[0]-energies[1]) couple_T_E=list(zip(trans,energies)) Conductance=[] Tr=[T*dF(energy,Ef=Ef,beta=beta) for T,energy in couple_T_E] g=trapz(Tr, energies, dx=spd) return g def clcte_sigmas(sys): G = [[Use_temp(beta, i, j, Ef=0.) for i in range(6)] for j in range(6)] G -= diag(sum(G, axis=0)) temp = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] G = G[temp, :] G = G[:, temp] r = linalg.inv(G) V = r @ array([1, -1, 0, 0, 0]) print(V) E_y = V[3] - V[2] E_x = V[1] - V[0] s_xx = (E_x / (E_x**2 + E_y**2))#*(tosim/(L*1E-7)) s_xy = (E_y / (E_x**2 + E_y**2))#*(tosim/(L*1E-7)) sigma_xx.append(s_xx) sigma_xy.append(s_xy) return s_xx, s_xy def spin_conductance(G, lead_out, lead_in, sigma): """Calculate the spin conductance between two leads. Parameters ---------- G : an instance of `kwant.solvers.common.GreensFunction` The Greens function of the system as returned by `kwant.greens_function`. lead_out : integer The lead where spin current is collected lead_in : integer The lead where spin current is injected sigma : `numpy.ndarray` of shape (2, 2) The Pauli matrix of the quantization axis along which to measure the spin current Notes ----- Calculates the spin conductance between two leads p and q according to: G_{pq} = Tr[ σ_{α} Γ_{q} G_{qp} Γ_{p} G^†_{qp} ] Where Γ_{q} is the coupling matrix to lead q ( = i[Σ - Σ^†] ) and G_{qp} is the submatrix of the system's Greens function between sites interfacing with lead p and q. (see also the function below (spin_conductance2))""" ttdagger = G._a_ttdagger_a_inv(lead_out, lead_in) sigma_z_matrix = kron(eye(ttdagger.shape[0]//2), sigma) return trace(sigma_z_matrix.dot(ttdagger)).real def family_color(sites): return 'black' def hopping_lw(site1, site2): return 0.08 def onsite(site): oe=2.0*e0* kwant.digest.uniform(repr(site)) if oe <= e0: return oe*sigma_0 else: return (e0-oe)*sigma_0 def hop1(site1, site2, tempt): ni = int(site1[0]*L**2. + site1[1]*L + site1[2]) nj = int(site2[0]*L**2. + site2[1]*L + site2[2]) dij = norm(array(site1 - site2)) rs = dij**2.0 eij = (abs(se[ni,0]-mu)+abs(se[nj,0]-mu)+abs(se[ni,0]-se[nj,0])) zij = nu*exp(-2.0*alpha*(dij))*exp(-(0.5/(K*tempt))*eij) return zij*sigma_0 def cuboid_shape(pos): x, y, z = pos return 0 <= x < L and 0 <= y < L and 0 <= z < L def xlead_shape(pos): x, y, z = pos return x==0 and 0 <= y < L and 0 <= z < L def ylead1_shape(pos): x, y, z = pos return 0 <= x < L/2 and y==0 and 0 <= z < L def ylead2_shape(pos): x, y, z = pos return round(L/2) <= x < L and y==0 and 0 <= z < L prim_vecs=array([(a,0.,0.),(0.,a,0.),(0.,0.,a)]) offset1=array((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) lat=kwant.lattice.Monatomic(prim_vecs, offset1, norbs=2) for tmp in TL: print('T=',tmp,'K') print('The conductivity is being calculated') sys = kwant.Builder() beta = 1.0/(K*tmp) sys[lat.shape(cuboid_shape, (0, 0, 0))] = 0*sigma_0 sites = set(sys.sites()) for i in sites: sys[i] = se[int(i.tag[0]*L**2. + i.tag[1]*L + i.tag[2]),0]*sigma_0 for jump in IT.combinations(sites, 2): sys[jump[0], jump[1]] = hop1(jump[0].tag, jump[1].tag, tmp) lead0 = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((-a, 0, 0))) lead0[lat.shape(xlead_shape, (0, 0, 0))] = 0*sigma_0 lead0[lat.neighbors()] = -t*sigma_0 sys.attach_lead(lead0) sys.attach_lead(lead0.reversed()) lead2 = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((0, -a, 0))) lead2[lat.shape(ylead1_shape, (0, 0, 0))] = 0*sigma_0 lead2[lat.neighbors()] = -t*sigma_0 sys.attach_lead(lead2) sys.attach_lead(lead2.reversed()) lead3 = kwant.Builder(kwant.TranslationalSymmetry((0, -a, 0))) lead3[lat.shape(ylead2_shape, (L-1, 0, 0))] = 0*sigma_0 lead3[lat.neighbors()] = -t*sigma_0 sys.attach_lead(lead3) sys.attach_lead(lead3.reversed()) system=kwant.plot(sys, site_lw=0.0001, site_color=family_color, hop_lw=hopping_lw) sys = sys.finalized() s_xx, s_xy = clcte_sigmas(sys) print('σ_xx=', s_xx, 'σ_xy=', s_xy) print() end = time.time() print() print ("The execution time:") if (end - start < 60): print (end - start, "seconds") if (end - start > 60) and (end - start < 3600): print ((end - start)/60, "minutes") if (end - start > 3600) : print ((end - start)/3600, "hours") print()

Dear Chung, We (the authors of Kwant) often do not have the time to help out with questions that are not specific to Kwant. Perhaps you will be lucky and someone else will reply. Best, Christoph
participants (2)
Christoph Groth
Chung Tsai