Kwant-Plot discretize potential with different colours

Dear Kwant community, I am a physics student and I am approaching to Kwant to solve simple problems of scattering. For example, I created a 2D discrete potential. The potential has two different values: "V0" and "0". When I plot the system, using the command "kwant.plot(syst)", I obtain the plot with only light-blue colour. There is a command to plot the discrete potential with two (or more) different colours (in my case one colour for "V0", and another one for "0")? Yours Sincerely Lorenzo Bagnasacco

Dear Lorenzo, Of course there is. It is straightforward, thanks to Kwant. To do so you need two functions to be defined. 1- you have to define the onsite as a function. 2- you have to define a family_color function which has to depend on the onsite function. 3-Active family_color in kwant.plot(). To make this simple to you, kindly see the following examples (p-n-junction) best, Adel import kwant import numpy as np from math import sqrt import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from types import SimpleNamespace from ipywidgets import interact from mpl_toolkits import mplot3d import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') def onsite_1(site): x,y = site.pos if x>0: return 5 else: return 0 ### --------- Onsite------- def family_color_1(site): x,y = site.pos return onsite_1(site) def onsite_2(site): x,y = site.pos if abs(x)<4: return 5 elif x>4: return 2.5 else: return 0 ### --------- Onsite------- def family_color_2(site): x,y = site.pos return onsite_2(site) lat = kwant.lattice.honeycomb(a=1, norbs=1, name=["a", "b"]) a, b =lat.sublattices def rect(pos): x, y = pos return abs(x) < 10 and abs(y) < 5 sys1=kwant.Builder() sys1[lat.shape(rect, (1, 1))] = onsite_1 sys1[lat.neighbors(1)] = -1 sys2=kwant.Builder() sys2[lat.shape(rect, (1, 1))] = onsite_2 sys2[lat.neighbors(1)] = -1 kwant.plot(sys1, site_color=family_color_1, site_size=None, cmap='jet', colorbar=True,) kwant.plot(sys2, site_color=family_color_2, site_size=None, cmap='jet', colorbar=True,) Le mar. 17 mai 2022 à 11:22, Lorenzo BAGNASACCO <> a écrit :
Dear Kwant community,
I am a physics student and I am approaching to Kwant to solve simple problems of scattering. For example, I created a 2D discrete potential. The potential has two different values: "V0" and "0". When I plot the system, using the command "kwant.plot(syst)", I obtain the plot with only light-blue colour. There is a command to plot the discrete potential with two (or more) different colours (in my case one colour for "V0", and another one for "0")?
Yours Sincerely
Lorenzo Bagnasacco
participants (2)
Adel Belayadi