Dear XLML Users!

I am developing lxml.objectify2 (lxml.o2). Lxml.o2 has tree objectives:

Following the old ways

Imagine the following xml file.

xml_str = '''\

<obj:root xmlns:obj="objectified" xmlns:other="otherNS">
  <obj:c1 a1="A1" a2="A2" other:a3="A3">

Please notice that the tags obj:c1 and obj/other:c2 are multiple childs of the same {ns}name.

Here a glance at the data processed by xlml.o (standard lxml.objectfy) from the PyCharm IDE perspective.

You may notice that there is no multiplicity at all. lxml.o is quite limited and not really pythonic. Therefore any Python-IDE will struggles with a representation of lxml processed data.

Following the new ways

Let's use lxml.objectify2 instead.

from lxml.objectify2 import ObjectifiedElement2

obj2_lookup = ObjectifyElementClassLookup(tree_class=ObjectifiedElement2)

parser = etree.XMLParser()

node = etree.XML(xml_str, parser=parser)

A look from the PyCharm debugger into the data structure processed by lxml.o2:

As you can see lxml.o2 handles multiple children with same qtag by assigning an "[index]" to them.

<rant>Yeah, that is nice screenwork, but this will never work in code?</rant>

>>> node.obj_c1[2].obj_c2

here the call to


returns a list. Then python takes over get the desired second element.

<rant>Ok, but this will not work with getattr</rant>

>>> getattr(node, 'obj_c1[0]').obj_c2

[0, 1, 2]

Here lxml.o2 does the selection of the element [0] really fast in c-space.

<rant>OK, and where is the catch</rant>

To implement this functionality we need to ensure that two rules are followed by the user.

1) If there are elements without a namespace, a default namespace has to be defined.

2) Any access to a "tag" has to be done qualified, with the exception of the default namespace.


    mit default namespace


If these rules a too much for you, go  back to lxml.objectify and be happy.

<rant>Ah, go away. Where do you find such nice XML</rant>

Mh. I have never seen so simple XML documents like in the lxml.objectify tests in the real world.

But I am aware that lxml.o2 will have to be tested thoroughly.

<rant>You will never convince all the users of lxml to change to lxml.o2</rant>

That is true. But I do not even try. lxml.o2 is an alternative to lxml.o for certain usecases.

You are welcome to rant at me :-)

You are also welcome to help with the development of lxml.o2. This is a spare time job for me.

If you do not have the time to help, you may express your liking of lxml.o2, here.

lxml.o2 lives at

in the branch



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