Hello everyone !
Currently working on a project involving scraping and parsing Intranet resources. 'Till now I have used BeautifulSoup, but decided to shave every ms possible thus the switch to lxml. Still, handling most of the encoding issues will be a pain, so naturally I wanted to benefit from bs4's encoding capabilities. Now to do so I have to:
>>> from lxml.html.souppareser import fromstring
But I am presented with an ImportError; the module BeautifulSoup is not found
Of course that super easy to fix, but my question is: Am I missing something ? What's the bigger picture here, so to say or is it just a bug ?
On my Window$ computer at the office the module is named bs4, same for the Linux and BSD computers at home.
Obviously, I am using BeautifulSoup4 (4.4.1 to be exact).
Thank you !