Stefan Behnel <stefan_ml <at> behnel.de> writes:
it's good practice to
a) reply to the list, b) avoid top-posting and c) read what people post.
Niels Bjerre wrote:
Thank You for your response
But I have problem with the_dict: These 2 statements don't give the same result.
1. newdoc = transform(places.myplaces, area="'3751'") 2. newdoc = transform(places.myplaces, {'area':'\"\'3751\'\"'})
1. is passed to xslt: <xsl:param name="area" select="'ost'"/> 2. is ignored
I have tried with {'area':'\'3751\''} and others
The last line will work, but as I wrote before:
2008/7/28 Stefan Behnel <stefan_ml <at> behnel.de>
You can pass more than one kayword parameter, as everywhere in Python. If you want to pass them from a dictionary, do the usual
result = transform(xml_tree, **the_dict)
Note the two stars before "the_dict". This is standard Python syntax for expanding a mapping into keyword arguments.
I'm Sorry - still no luck passing a dictionary as extentions parameter The stylesheet has a parameter: <xsl:param name="area" select="'ost'"/> The parameter is picked up in the transformation if I use: transform(doc, area="'3751'") but not when I use the_dict transform(doc, {'area':'\"\'3751\'\"'}) or any other variant of a dictionary or a dict_variable I can think of! Any suggestions is most welcome Niels