May 18, 2006
1:44 p.m.
Hi Olivier, Olivier Grisel wrote:
On my box (Ubuntu Linux Dapper Drake on i686 / python2.4) all tests pass but running the bench scripts yields some problems:
lxml.etree.LIBXML_COMPILED_VERSION (2, 6, 24) lxml.etree.LIBXSLT_COMPILED_VERSION (1, 1, 15)
xpath_extensions_old and xslt_extensions_old trigger the following exceptions: [snip]
Ah, right, I forgot to fix those. Luckily, it's the benchmarks that are broken here, not lxml.
And append_element and replace_children triggers segmentation faults. The first one crashed after child <Element {bcd}zzzzz at -48285674>.
Thanks, I can reproduce those. I'll see what I can come up with. T'was a good idea to release a beta, after all... Thanks for the reports! Stefan