Andreas Pakulat wrote:
On 01.03.06 09:59:21, Stefan Behnel wrote:
I updated the parser API according to the discussions (and the proposal of Fredrik) that we had in November. It now uses an XMLParser class that simply builds the libxml2 parse options in the constructor. I also added a global function "set_default_parser" that globally sets the default parser (options), or resets them if the supplied parser is None.
Just a short question before I waste hours to try this out:
Does this enable me to set "arbitrary" options on the XMLParser, so I could finally test the libxml-enhancement for removal of redundant namespaces (that is in CVS)? See http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=329347 for details.
Yes and no (my language has the wonderful word "jein" for that and I'd love to use it in english, too). Yes: It allows you to set options on the parser. No: The options must be available at compile time and mapped to keyword arguments by hand. Remember, we're talking about options of a C API here.
If the answer is yes, how would I specify the XML_DOM_RECONNS_REMOVEREDUND option?
This is not a parser option. I think it would rather be an option for a serializer, right? Maybe not even that since it modifies the state of the XML structure... So, no, there isn't currently an API for that. Maybe the best way to integrate the feature would be a method in ElementTree that explicitly traverses the tree to strip redundant declarations and possibly other relicts from copying elements. Something like class _ElementTree: ... def cleanup(self): # call libxml2 cleanup functions on self._context_node Since this is an experimental feature, it will not be supported in lxml 0.9 anyway. But if you could come up with a patch that implements it, it would allow us to integrate it later on and also help others who have the same problem and can afford to use a CVS version of libxml2. Stefan