Hi, Holger Joukl wrote:
I don't think we actually ever explictly dropped support for Python 2.3. Perhaps we should for a particular version of lxml Hmm, it would definitely be easiest to do that for lxml 1.1. ;)
Just my -1 for dropping python2.3 support.
;) I just said it would be the *easiest* solution. I agree that it's worth keeping 2.3 compatibility as long as we can. There were no major changes in the C-API since that version that would prevent us from doing so.
One way to work around this kind of problem would be to not release the thread context under 2.3. That should be simple to do, if we know the right places where we have to do this.
Better imho, so 2.3 users can still depend on lxml.
I'll try to come up with a fix then. Maybe it's enough to somehow disable the thread context calls to make lxml run single-threaded under 2.3. I'll have to rely on someone else to test it, though. Stefan