Hi, Nef Asus wrote:
lxml.etree.XMLSyntaxError: failed to load external entity "NULL", line 9, column 83
this is my xml up to line 9:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?> <!-- Old reference <!DOCTYPE rem:requirementsProject SYSTEM "C:\tmp\rem\foo.dtd"> --> <!-- <!DOCTYPE rem:requirementsProject SYSTEM "file:C:\\Desarrollo\\pythontes ts\lxml\foo.dtd"> --> <!DOCTYPE rem:requirementsProject SYSTEM "C:\Desarrollo\pythontests\lxml\foo.dtd">
I omitted the commented lines in my first snippet.
Hmm, I think the "NULL" comes from the fact that you only use "SYSTEM", without providing an ID. libxml2 printf()'s the ID here. So, well, it can't find it on your system. Have you tried something like "file://C:/Desarrollo/pythontests/lxml/foo.dtd" ? And: have you made sure the file is actually there? Stefan