Dear Holger!

Am 03.03.22 um 15:38 schrieb
I admit I don’t fully understand the issue (I don't use PyCharm and don't know how
it presents objects in debugging). To me, it seems easy enough to just do like

In PyCharm (and I think in any reasonable IDE these days) you have a full Python entity representation on any call-stack levels in the debugger

In this example you see (part of) the representation of an ISO19139 file in the PyCharm debugger. If you compare the source xml-file

with this image, you will notice that no gco:CharacterString Elements are shown. Because they are not in __dict__/dir().

Does PyCharm use elem.__dict__ or dir(elem) to present an object's attributes
in debugging?


To make this long discussion short. As I wrote earlier: Neither the current state of LXML nor my hackish version is really good. One solution real solution may be to include the namespace (represented via its prefix) in the property/Entity name.

Therefore I am currently working on enabling LXML to have <prefix>_<name> properties in objectify. The changes are not too complicated since the source code quality is good. I am hopeful that after the weekend I will have full functional prototype.

The __dict__ is already working but the class-representation has still some problems to be solved.



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