Hi, coming back to this after a while... Eric Jahn wrote:
On Tue, 2008-07-01 at 07:20 +0200, Stefan Behnel wrote:
If you want it to replace the namespace by a resolved prefix, use
type = etree.QName(NS2 + "...")
No, I don't want the prefix resolved the the url, so I guess my only option is to do something like the following and just pass the type value a string with the namespace prefix explicity stated:
child1 = etree.SubElement(root,NS2 + "secondelement", nsmap=NSMAP, type = "NS2:someattribute")
I think you misunderstood my example (and apparently didn't try it on your side). Isn't this what you wanted: >>> import lxml.etree as et >>> root = et.XML('<root xmlns:a="http://my/ns"><el/></root>') >>> root[0].set("type", et.QName("{http://my/ns}tname")) >>> et.tostring(root) '<root xmlns:a="http://my/ns"><el type="a:tname"/></root>' This has been working for quite a while now. Stefan