Hi All,

I'm trying to use getpath() to get the absolute xpath for an element in a tree. This works fine when all namespaces have consistent prefixes in the document. However when I deal with a document in which the same namespace can have multiple prefixes I get wrong path. I wrote this little script to re-produce the error.

#!/usr/bin/env python
from lxml import etree
from StringIO import StringIO

def generate_sample_tree_with_multiple_prefixes():
    root = etree.Element('root', nsmap={'a': 'http://a.b/c'})
    for x in range(10):
        ns = "http://ns.org/ns/"
        prefix = 'l_%s' % x
        node = etree.SubElement(root, "{%s}l1" % ns, nsmap={prefix: ns})
        node.set('id', 'id_%s' % x)
    return etree.parse(StringIO(etree.tostring(root)))

def generate_sample_tree_with_single_prefixes():
    root = etree.Element('root', nsmap={'a': 'http://a.b/c'})
    for x in range(10):
        ns = "http://ns.org/ns/"
        prefix = 'ns'
        node = etree.SubElement(root, "{%s}l1" % ns, nsmap={prefix: ns})
        node.set('id', 'id_%s' % x)
    return etree.parse(StringIO(etree.tostring(root)))

def test_multiple():
    tree = generate_sample_tree_with_multiple_prefixes()
    r = tree.getroot()
    for l1 in r.iterchildren():
        path = tree.getpath(l1)
        ret = tree.xpath(path, namespaces=l1.nsmap)
        assert len(ret) == 1, "Multiple elements returned: %s" % ret
        assert l1 == ret[0], "It's not the same"

def test_single():
    tree = generate_sample_tree_with_single_prefixes()
    r = tree.getroot()
    for l1 in r.iterchildren():
        path = tree.getpath(l1)
        ret = tree.xpath(path, namespaces=l1.nsmap)
        assert len(ret) == 1, "Multiple elements returned"
        assert l1 == ret[0], "It's not the same"

if __name__ == '__main__':
