Hi again, On Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 8:14 PM, Stefan Behnel <stefan_ml@behnel.de> wrote:
Martijn Faassen wrote:
Unfortunately we're getting memory errors from within XSLT.__call__, and we think this is the problem:
transform_ctxt = xslt.xsltNewTransformContext(self._c_style, c_doc) if transform_ctxt is NULL: _destroyFakeDoc(input_doc._c_doc, c_doc) python.PyErr_NoMemory()
Does "memory errors" mean you get an exception or a crash? Maybe there are cases in libxslt where xsltNewTransformContext() can return NULL that do not involve a malloc problem and must be handled differently?
The exception, not a crash. Yes, it looks like that returns NULL for some reason. Possibly the resolvers haven't been set up correctly in the copy and that's why it fails? I think we got a crash though with lxml2., so we can oblige you with both sets of information. :) Unfortunately I don't have a set up here that demonstrates the behavior. Regards, Martijn