2009/10/1 Stefan Behnel
I'm not sure how hard this will be to implement, though. I didn't find an
obvious function in libxslt that would take a context/start element in
addition to the document to be transformed, so someone needs to investigate
how libxslt works here (we normally call the xsltApplyStylesheetUser()
function), and what it takes to start the transform from a different node
(e.g. if calling xsltProcessOneNode() works out-of-the-box, or if there is
a setup required beforehand).
Could you file a feature request (i.e. bug) on the bug tracker for now?
Apologies, swamped by some tricky coding (still banging my head over it) I've been procrastinating on this issue. Of course I will. Are you referring to lxml's bug tracker or libxslt's bug tracker given that both lxml's functionality and limitations in this context arise from the latter?