Hi, Kevin Ar18, 06.11.2009 04:49:
import lxml gives the following error:
ImportError: No module named lxml
Normal Python import error when it can't find a module or package.
I first tried out the install instructions here: http://codespeak.net/lxml/installation.html#ms-windows
This involved 3 steps: 1) using easy_install lxml 2) Installing libxml 3) Installing libxslt
No, it just involves the step that is mentioned in that section, i.e. 1).
Suffice to say that method never worked right.
No, that's not enough. Please provide the output of the easy_install call.
During all those steps, I probably did something wrong.
Or something went wrong and you didn't notice.
Next, I tried the Windows binary egg method (after I deleted the previous lxml install).
easy_install *is* the "Windows binary egg method".
I downloaded: lxml-2.2.2-py2.6-win-amd64.egg and I copied the file to:
Ok, that's where it came from then. I noticed it in the file list in site-packages below.
* Is this the correct way to install an egg? (or is there more to it?)
That's not how eggs work. They require installation.
* Could, elementree or html5lib packages be causing a conflict?
Contents of my site-packages: [...] lxml-2.2.2-py2.6-win-amd64.egg [...]
Move that file out of site-packages and run "easy_install" on it. If that fails, please provide the complete output. Stefan