West palm. Beach century village 33417
TextNow 9.01n ontrollerOnePane] open 15615309539 2021-08-18 17:45:11 DEBUG TextNow converso Nisch 5G [MinConlogcat_0_2021-08-18_20-42-... IE MessageViewFragment{dcc289d) (244142d1-476b-487d bcc6-7691fce5cff8)} 2021-08-18 17:45:11 TextNow DEBUG [MainControllerOnePane] Detaching previous fragment Conversations List Fragment{db4ff0e} (aee60ab2-76e3 48e1-9ade-508b30845f54) id=0x7f0a0374} 2021-08-18 17:45:11 DEBUG [MainControllerBase] commit FragmentTransaction: BackStackEntry{abb5112} TextNow 2021-08-18 17:45:11 TextNow DEBUG ainControllerOnePane] New back stack depth: 2 2021-08-18 17:45:11 DEBUG TextNow [TNFragmentBase] on FragmentViewCreated Listener not implemented 2021-08-18 17:45:11 TextNow DEBUG [MessageViewFragment] onCreate() called with: savedInstanceState = [null] 2021-08-18 17:45:11 DEBUG [MessageViewFragment] onCreate: found conversation for: Mike TextNow 2021-08-18 17:45:11 TextNow onPause () 2021-08-18 17:45:11 TextNow DEBUG [InStreamNativeAd] [SpamReportHelper] +15615309539 DEBUG Determining spam reporting state contact: 2021-08-18 17:45:11 DEBUG TextNow onDestroy() 2021-08-18 17:45:11 TextNow [InStreamNativeAd] [TextNow] DEBUG MessageViewFragment{dcc289d} (244142d1-476b-487d bcc6-7691fce5cff8) id=0x7f0a0374} onCreateView 2021-08-18 17:45:11 DEBUG TextNow Checked block state for a single 2021-08-18 17:45:11 DEBUG TextNow User should not see spam report [BlockedContactUtils] contact value [SpamReportViewModel] 2021-08-18 17:45:11 DEBUG [BlockedContactUtils] TextNow Checked block state for a single contact value 2021-08-18 17:45:11 DEBUG TextNow [MoPubKeywordUtils] MoPub keywords for unit 607e9f68526342818e85907f1bf8fcbc :m_app_version:,m_platform: android, m_gender: m, sdk: verizon, sdk: verizon:1.9.0, sdk: applovin_sdk, sdk: applovin_sdk: 9.14.8, sdk: admob_native, sdk:admob_native :20.0.0,sdk: facebook, sdk: facebook: 6.5.1, sdk: fyber, sdk : fyber: 7.8.3, sdk: ironsource, sdk: ironsource: 7.1.6, sdk: AmazonAdSDK, sdk: AmazonAdSDK: 9.1.0, sdk: Ogury, sdk: Ogury :5.0.5, sdk: smaato, sdk: smaato: 21.5.9, networktype: data 2021-08-18 17:45:11 DEBUG location TextNow Failed to [LocationUtils] rotriqu to 33%
participants (1)