Re: [lxml] Moving existing elements within a tree

I just want to confirm a behavior: methods like append() or addnext() _move_ an existing _Element within the tree, including content and tail? I saw that documented somewhere but can’t quite find it right now.
Is that move behavior true for all methods that insert _Element objects?
To the best of my knowledge, yes. There's probably other places, some info can be found here: I.e. the part about the strict parent relationship in lxml a la W3C DOM. Best regards Holger Landesbank Baden-Wuerttemberg Anstalt des oeffentlichen Rechts Hauptsitze: Stuttgart, Karlsruhe, Mannheim, Mainz HRA 12704 Amtsgericht Stuttgart HRA 4356, HRA 104 440 Amtsgericht Mannheim HRA 40687 Amtsgericht Mainz Die LBBW verarbeitet gemaess Erfordernissen der DSGVO Ihre personenbezogenen Daten. Informationen finden Sie unter
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