We had a project to find a low-cost (but decent) VPS
for a customer's Flask site.
The VPS Desired Specs:
• uses KVM,
• allow the user to operate a GNU/Linux Debian instance, with full root
• be accessible via SSH,
• have at least 4GB RAM,
• have at least 50 GB of SSD storage,
• have at least 2 CPUs,
• and costs less than $15/month.
This is our review of the bigger VPS players out there
and two good *$60/year*-or-under options that we dug up.
[View More]https://www.lavojo.org/post?id=52*
We'd like your thoughts if there are other, better VPS options.
To subscribe, send an email to lynchburg-va-join(a)python.org
<mailto:lynchburg-va-join@python.org?subject=Subscribe> with just
'subscribe' in the subject (no quotes). You will be sent an email to
confirm it was really you subscribing.
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