We had a project to find a low-cost (but decent) VPS
for a customer's Flask site.
The VPS Desired Specs:
• uses KVM,
• allow the user to operate a GNU/Linux Debian instance, with full root
• be accessible via SSH,
• have at least 4GB RAM,
• have at least 50 GB of SSD storage,
• have at least 2 CPUs,
• and costs less than $15/month.
This is our review of the bigger VPS players out there
and two good *$60/year*-or-under options that we dug up.
[View More]https://www.lavojo.org/post?id=52*
We'd like your thoughts if there are other, better VPS options.
To subscribe, send an email to lynchburg-va-join(a)python.org
<mailto:lynchburg-va-join@python.org?subject=Subscribe> with just
'subscribe' in the subject (no quotes). You will be sent an email to
confirm it was really you subscribing.
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This is a mailing list for Bedford County, VA and Lynchburg, VA area
python developers!
The list is to share tips; for python news; to get help for projects; or
to offer your help on projects ... both those that are paid and those
that are not.
If there are particular areas that you would like to see covered, please
let us know!
Thank you!
To subscribe, send an email to lynchburg-va-join(a)python.org
[View More]va-join@python.org?subject=Subscribe> with just
'subscribe' in the subject (no quotes). You will be sent an email to
confirm it was really you subscribing.
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