It's less than 2 weeks until the next meeting, and we still don't have a topic/presenter. I've been looking around for someone to talk about SQLAlchemy, because there was considerable interest in it at the last meeting, but with no luck so far. In a pinch, of course, I can run through the tutorial and then turn around and present it to people, but before doing that: does anybody have some Python module, Python-related technology, or application of Python, that they'd be interested …
[View More]in talking about at this month's meeting? Anything goes, pretty much, as long as there's Python involved somehow.
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MadGTUG ( the Madison Google Technology Users' Group, is just getting off the ground. A lot of Google tech is Python-based or at least Python-native (such as the Google App Engine, the most likely topic of the first meeting), so there's a definite intersection of interests.
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