The following is a transcript of a withlist session that fixes a list without new attributes. It invokes withlist on 'listname' looks at the lists dmarc_none_moderation_action which throws an AttributeError looks at the lists data_version which is 110. sets it to 109. saves and reloads the list. verifies the data_version is now 110 again and dmarc_none_moderation_action exists. Wnlocks the list and exits. msapiro@mail:~/mm$ bin/withlist -l listname Loading list listname (locked) The variable `m' is the listname MailList instance >>> m.dmarc_none_moderation_action Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in File "/srv/mailman/Mailman/", line 147, in __getattr__ raise AttributeError, name AttributeError: dmarc_none_moderation_action >>> m.data_version 110 >>> m.data_version = 109 >>> m.Save() >>> m.data_version 109 >>> m.Load() >>> m.data_version 110 >>> m.dmarc_none_moderation_action False >>> m.Unlock() >>> Finalizing Another way is to run bin/config_list on the list with an input file containing the single line mlist.data_version = 109