[ mailman-Patches-657951 ] Generate RSS summary in archives

Patches item #657951, was opened at 2002-12-23 14:17 Message generated for change (Comment added) made by bwarsaw You can respond by visiting: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=300103&aid=657951&group_id=103 Category: Pipermail Group: Mailman 2.2 / 3.0 Status: Open Resolution: None Priority: 7 Submitted By: A.M. Kuchling (akuchling) Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody) Summary: Generate RSS summary in archives Initial Comment: Here's a first-draft patch. Things that need fixing: * The generated RSS feed needs to be validated. (It passed the W3C's RDF validator, but RSS validators still need to be checked.) * The date should be given in YYYY-MM-DD format, which requires parsing the .fromdate attribute. * How do I get the URL for an archived message? The generated RSS currently just uses the filename, which is wrong. How do I get at the PUBLIC_ARCHIVE_URL setting? * Getting the most recent N postings is inefficient; the code loops through all of the archived messages and takes the last N of them. We could add .last() and .prev() methods to the Database class, but that's more ambitious for 2.1beta than I like. (Would be nice to get this into 2.1final...) * The list index page should have a LINK element pointing to the RSS file. Please make any comments you have, and I'll rework the patch accordingly. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Comment By: Barry A. Warsaw (bwarsaw) Date: 2003-04-18 18:43
Message: Logged In: YES user_id=12800 Andrew, to get the url for the archived message use mlist.GetBaseArchiveURL(), which knows about private vs. public archives, the host name and the list name. From there you should be able to tack on just the part of the path under "archives/private/listname". See Mailman/Handlers/Scrubber.py for an example. Only other minor comment: NUM_ARTICLES can probably go in Defaults.py.in ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Comment By: Justin Mason (jmason) Date: 2003-03-26 16:49 Message: Logged In: YES user_id=935 big thumbs up from me too. Much better solution than http://taint.org/mmrss/ ;) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Comment By: Uche Ogbuji (uche) Date: 2003-03-17 20:09 Message: Logged In: YES user_id=38966 I'd like to add my vote to this item. This is a fantastic idea, Andrew. Thanks. --Uche ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Comment By: A.M. Kuchling (akuchling) Date: 2002-12-23 15:42 Message: Logged In: YES user_id=11375 Updated patch: * Dates are now rendered as ISO-8601 (date only, not the time of the message) * By hard-wiring 2002-December, I got the RSS to validate using Mark Pilgrim's validator. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Comment By: captain larry (captainlarry) Date: 2002-12-23 14:36 Message: Logged In: YES user_id=147905 Just voting for support here. This is *great* thanks for the patch and I hope the maintainers include it as soon as it's appropriate :) Adam. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Comment By: Barry A. Warsaw (bwarsaw) Date: 2002-12-23 14:27 Message: Logged In: YES user_id=12800 Deferring until post-2.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Comment By: A.M. Kuchling (akuchling) Date: 2002-12-23 14:21 Message: Logged In: YES user_id=11375 Argh; SF choked on the file upload. Attaching the patch again... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- You can respond by visiting: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=300103&aid=657951&group_id=103

I still can't come up with a proper fix for this problem, if you have solved it please reply https://wordhurdle.co
participants (2)