[ mailman-Feature Requests-824944 ] Yahoogroups

Feature Requests item #824944, was opened at 2003-10-16 11:35 Message generated for change (Comment added) made by mainecoder You can respond by visiting: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=350103&aid=824944&group_id=103 Category: None Group: None Status: Open Resolution: None Priority: 5 Submitted By: Alex (halloalex) Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody) Summary: Yahoogroups Initial Comment: Hi, I consider to install Mailman on my server to host several communities. But unfortunately up till now Mailman is only designed for mailing lists. So it doesnt offer the possibility to upload files, etc. To be honest, I also think that the design of Yahoogroups is more userfriendly. Has anybody ever thought about to enhance Mailman, so that it can compete with Yahoogroups? Greetings from Alex, who appreciates every hint in this direction ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Comment By: Joe (mainecoder) Date: 2003-12-31 12:11 Message: Logged In: YES user_id=941049 Competition for YahooGroups should be a priority. There are a number of applications that currently exist and can be combined to produce a similar product. The weak link however is a userfriendly Web interface. Create a Web look and feel like Snitz Forums with the power of Mailman... this is the first step to building a true alternative for YahooGroups. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Comment By: Alex (halloalex) Date: 2003-10-17 12:51 Message: Logged In: YES user_id=767295 Well, unfortunately I am just a poor student with basic computer knowledge and all of my websites are non-profit- projects. So I guess I am not really helpful for you. However, if anyone develops something like Yahoogroups or maybe knows a company that already offers such a script, please inform me. For a stable version I would not even hesitate to pay - lets say- up to 350 to 400 US. Regards, alex ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Comment By: Barry A. Warsaw (bwarsaw) Date: 2003-10-16 13:16 Message: Logged In: YES user_id=12800 Sure. Introduce me to the VC with money burning holes in his pockets and I think we could do something killer. :) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- You can respond by visiting: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=350103&aid=824944&group_id=103
participants (1)