[ mailman-Patches-717100 ] Fix for globally changing address when not on all lists

Patches item #717100, was opened at 2003-04-07 19:13 Message generated for change (Settings changed) made by bwarsaw You can respond by visiting: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=300103&aid=717100&group_id=103 Category: list administration Group: Mailman 2.1
Status: Closed Resolution: Fixed Priority: 5 Submitted By: Joe Peterson (skyrush) Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody) Summary: Fix for globally changing address when not on all lists
Initial Comment: If you have a user who is on some, but not all, of the lists on your server, and he/she tries to change his/her address *globally* (using the "change globally" checkbox), the person will get the confirmation email, but when he/she clicks the link in the email and then the button on the page to make the change, it will only change the address on the list originally chosen, and then it will raise a "Bad Confirmation code" error. The problem is that the call, "self.__assertIsMember(member)" in OldStyleMemberships.py fails and raises the error. The isMember() call should have been checked in ApprovedChangeMemberAddress in MailList.py before trying to change the address in the other lists. This statement fixes it: if not mlist.isMember(oldaddr): continue Note that this sort of check *is* done in ChangeMemberName (which I used as an example for the fix): if not mlist.isMember(addr): continue -Joe ---------------------------------------------------------------------- You can respond by visiting: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=300103&aid=717100&group_id=103
participants (1)