
January 2000

  • 36 participants
  • 40 discussions
Features requested...
by Rick Niess Feb. 10, 2000

Feb. 10, 2000
Forcing the address of a list
by David Sexton Jan. 31, 2000

Jan. 31, 2000

Jan. 27, 2000
Another suggestion...
by Rick Niess Jan. 25, 2000

Jan. 25, 2000
Reply goes to list error
by Balazs Nagy Jan. 25, 2000

Jan. 25, 2000
Only Receive from the List
by gzbigegg Jan. 24, 2000

Jan. 24, 2000
by gzbigegg Jan. 24, 2000

Jan. 24, 2000
Ban feature, etc.
by Matthew Ratzloff Jan. 23, 2000

Jan. 23, 2000

Jan. 22, 2000
Problem in newlist?
by Paul Hebble Jan. 21, 2000

Jan. 21, 2000