
September 2000

  • 40 participants
  • 55 discussions
Building a boucing detector
by Paulo Eduardo Neves Sept. 21, 2000

Sept. 21, 2000
NULL characters in e-mail.
by Chuq Von Rospach Sept. 21, 2000

Sept. 21, 2000

Sept. 21, 2000

Sept. 20, 2000
Syncing passwords over mailinglists
by Gerhard den Hollander Sept. 19, 2000

Sept. 19, 2000
Re: [Mailman-Users] Re: Editing the posting
by Gerhard den Hollander Sept. 18, 2000

Sept. 18, 2000
multi-lingual mailing lists
by Aidan Cully Sept. 18, 2000

Sept. 18, 2000
RE: approve and add user
by Tom Neff Sept. 17, 2000

Sept. 17, 2000
last min sugg: admin add user option
by Christopher Kolar Sept. 17, 2000

Sept. 17, 2000

Sept. 16, 2000