- Moderated-edit. I'm running Mailman on a couple of boxes but I
There is kludgey support for this now, that most people are probably not aware of: in the admindb interface, you forward the message to yourself.
How do I forward a message to myself in the admindb "Moderater menu" ?
Then you use whatever tools you want to edit the message and resend it back to the list with the Approved header. Then you delete the message from the admindb. Not exactly the most efficient workflow. ;)
[...] And what is the Approved header like?
Inquiring minds... (ditto)
The thing that's always held me back here is designing a useable u/i to such a feature. Actually doing the editing probably isn't difficult, but I'm far from a web u/i expert. Doing it in a way that won't get clobbered by huge messages, be vulnerable to cross-site scripting or other security issues, and that provides a natural editing interface, is a big task.
I would be happy if I could VIEW the body of the message from the Moderator menu. Then I would have a better idea if I wanted to delete it, or release it to the list.
Thank you, -bryan bradsby
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