Hi Sir/Team,
As per the URL <
https://docs.mailman3.org/en/latest/config-core.html#configuring-cron-jobs>, I understood that the command "mailman notify" is responsible to send the daily notifications to the owners of the list which of course should be as part of the cron job list (but it is not in my case).
FYI, I am using mailman 3.2.3.
And in my case, when I run the command "mailman notify" I am getting an error saying that the command "notify" is not present.
*(venv3) [root@mailman3 commands]# mailman notifyUsage: mailman [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...Try "mailman -h" for help.Error: No such command "notify".*
And I also saw the help menu of mailman where I don't find any command displaying "notify" and its explanation.
Is it the problem with this version or had I done wrong? Could you please help me in this regard?
If I need to add the cron jobs manually I will try to add but please suggest what could be added?
-- Thanks & Regards, Shashi Kanth.K 9052671936