Hi team,
Somehow, I have enabled the REST API of mailman 3 accessible
from another machine. I am able to see some data using the command cURL and by providing the REST API credentials.
But I don't know the URLs to be used for the purpose I want to
do some thing like I want to add user to list or remove a user from the list. These activities I can do it from the browser and also from the python prompt (>>>) but how to do the same activities through the curl command.
As of now, if I want to see the lists or domains on Mailman 3
through cURL I am running the below commands
*1. curl -GET -u <username>:<password> http://<MM3 Server IP>:8001/3.1/domains | python -mjson.tool* *2. curl -GET -u * *<username>:<password>* *http://**<MM3 Server IP>**:8001/3.1/lists | python -mjson.tool*
But further to this, I don't know how to add users to the list,
how to create new lists and many other activities. How can I generate the URLs as required.
-- Thanks & Regards, Shashi Kanth.K 9052671936
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