Hi everyone,
Here's an update for Week 12:
For this week, I finalized all documentation by proofreading, editing, and adding minor details to ensure that my project meet all requirements. I also added another documentation, which is Quickstart reStructuredText. The documentation serves as a quick syntax guide to reStructuredText.
I still haven’t heard back from any of my mentors for GSOD. Honestly, it’s a challenge because I don’t know whether they approve my way of writing documentation or not. Even so, I sent an email again to request for review.
Update: My mentor has replied my email!
Week 12 update can be viewed here: https://medium.com/@ariessa_norramli/google-season-of-docs-week-12-update-7780f481fadf?source=friends_link&sk=70e0664bef4a0611a7854b8e0570b2f7
Thank you.
Best Regards, Ariessa Norramli